Find • bank of adelaide • Results 61 to 90 of 1,060

Bank of South Australia
Bank of South Australia, Port Adelaide, [later, in 1925, to become the Bank of New South Wales]on the north east corner of Commercial Road and Divett Street. It is an attractive two storey stone building with arched lower storey windows and contrasting quoins.

King William Street, Adelaide
ACRE 140: King William Street, west side, showing the premises of the Bank of Adelaide in the foreground.

Bank of New South Wales
Bank of New South Wales Port Adelaide.

First Bank of New South Wales
First Bank of New South Wales, built in 1880 at Port Adelaide.

King William Street, Adelaide
Bank of Adelaide and Alfred Chambers on the south corner of King William Street and Currie Street, Adelaide. A horse and cart is waiting outside this ornate building which has only been recently completed. The left side of the bank is 24 yards south of Currie Street and the extreme right is 41 yards west of King William Street.

Bank of Australasia in Adelaide
ACRE 109: Premises of the Bank of Australasia situated on the corner of Currie Street and King William Street, Adelaide.

The Bank, Caltowie
The Bank of Adelaide, family members stand on the verandah.

The Bank, Caltowie
The Bank of Adelaide now closed and offered for sale as a private residence.

Bank staff, Loxton
Bank of Adelaide: Staff; W. H. Broadbent at left as Manager.

Bank of South Australia, Adelaide
Bank of South Australia, North Terrace, Adelaide. Original watercolour by Col. William Light. To see changes in this building from a sketch dated 1842, see B 4499.

Bank of New South Wales, Adelaide
An artist's impression of the new premises of the Bank of New South Wales on the east side of King William Street, Adelaide.

First Bank in Converted Dairy
Premises of the first Bank of Adelaide at Waikerie which were in a converted dairy on "Ross's" block in the vicinity of the present hotel.

National Bank of Australasia
View of the National Bank of Australasia, located in King William Street. Part of the premises of Kaines, wine and sprirt merchants, can also be seen.

Hindley Street
Hindley Street, north side, 23 April 1956, right side of Bank of Adelaide is 28 1/4 yards west of Blyth Street and frontage is 5.5 yards.

Bank of South Australia, Adelaide
Bank of South Australia, North Terrace. The Bank of South Australia was established by the South Australian Company in 1836 and from 1839 occupied premises on the corner of North Terrace and Bank Street (the origin of the name). The Bank moved from there to 59 King William Street in 1878. The architects were Edmund Wright and Lloyd Tayler, who won the design competition organised by the Bank in 1874.For a sketch made in 1842 see B 4499.

Bank of South Australia, Adelaide
Bank of South Australia, Adelaide.

Bank of South Australia
Bank of South Australia, North Terrace. c.1870. The bank was established by the South Australian Company in 1836 and was located on the corner of North Terrace and Bank Street opposite the site reserved for Parliament House. The Grecian Ionic style building was sold when the bank relocated to premises in King William Street in 1875.

Women Commonwealth Bank officers, Adelaide
A group of thirty-one women banking officers employed by the Commonwealth Bank in Adelaide, South Australia; names not known.

Views of early Adelaide : Bank of Australasia
Bank of Australasia situated on the corner of Currie Street and King William Street, Adelaide. A group of men are gathered outside the bank building. For a similar photograph see B 50421/10.

Bank of New South Wales, Adelaide
The Bank of New South Wales Building, Adelaide. Its right side is 44 yards south of North Terrace. On the left is Hunt's Labour Office.

Union Bank of Australia, Adelaide
ACRE 109: Premises of the Union Bank of Australia in King William Street, Adelaide; a horse drawn tram advertising soap and tobacco waits outside.

Adelaide Views : Bank of South Australia
Bank of South Australia, King William Street.

Views of early Adelaide : Bank of Australasia
Bank of Australasia situated on the corner of Currie Street and King William Street, Adelaide.

Views of South Australia : Bank of South Australia
Bank of South Australia, King William Street.

Bank of New South Wales, Adelaide
Steel framework supplied by Forwood Down & Co. for the Bank of New South Wales building which is under construction on the corner of King William Street and North Terrace, Adelaide.

Banking Chamber, Savings Bank of South Australia, King William Street, Adelaide
Interior view of Banking Chamber of Savings Bank of South Australia, King William Street, Adelaide. Designed by McMichael & Harris.

Banking Chamber, Savings Bank of South Australia, King William Street, Adelaide
Interior view of Banking Chamber of Savings Bank of South Australia, King William Street, Adelaide. Designed by McMichael & Harris.

Draper's store, Kingston
Draper's store and Bank of Adelaide, Kingston. Kingston is located in the south east of South Australia on the shores of Lacepede Bay. The town provided a port for the export of grain and wool. The photograph shows the Customs House which shares its location with the Bank of Adelaide and JM Gill's Drapery

Bank of Australasia, Adelaide
Bank of Australasia, north west corner of King William Street and Currie Street (facing King William Street). Attributed to E. Noyce.

Bank of Australasia, Adelaide
Bank of Australasia, north corner of King William Street and Currie Streets (facing of King William Street). A group of gentlemen confer on the street corner, whilst others pose by the rails in front of the building. In the Renaissance style, it was designed by Wright and Woods and constructed in the mid1860s. It was demolished in 1968.